Skill, experience & language
The aim of Limber® GROUP Quality System is Customer satisfaction through the excellence of our Company performances. Reaching this goal means organizing in an efficient and effective way all the functions intended to ensure an improved quality level for our Customers' needs. The Limber® GROUP Quality System minimizes the fortuitous effects and processes organization inefficiencies, producing tangible advantage in competition that allows you to maintain leadership in a complex and continuous evolving market.
"Evolving means to adapt the focus from organizational roles (what and who) to skills (how). "
Our Group works to:
- Optimize procedures for organization and standardization of internal Operative Processes;
- Rationalize human and technological resources management;
- Improve the whole Company Organization;
- Reach Quality conformity, working in safety and environment respecting;
- Limit the risk of errors;
- Improve the Customer Service quality.

... qualifications plus skills equal results
Limber® GROUP crew is not only qualified directly by the Client, but has important qualifications valid at a national and international level, among which:
- Management System Qualifications (Green & Black Belt);
- Training Qualifications (Health & Safety according "Decreto Interministeriale del 6 marzo 2013-REPUBBLICA ITALIANA", NDT Training Qualifications according UNI EN ISO 9712);
- Auditing/Lead Auditing Qualifications (Quality according to UNI EN ISO 9001, Environment according to UNI EN ISO 14001, Health & Safety according to OHSAS 18001);
- Health & Safety Inspection Qualifications (PED according to Directive 2014/61/UE, T-PED according to Directive 2010/35/EU, ATEX according to Directive 94/9/EC, CompEx according to Standard IEC 60079, RSPP according to D.Lgs. 81/08);
- Industrial & Field Qualifications (NDT Inspection Qualifications according UNI EN ISO 9712 & SNT TC-1a PED approved & ARAMCO qualified - PED approved, Welding Inspection & Coordination Qualifications by TWI, Coating Qualifications by FROSIO & NACE – ARAMCO qualified).
This list contains only few of our most required qualifications, and cannot be therefore considered totally exhaustive; They are available on demand cards Specific Services with detailed information.
Our Team is ready to provide you with the best back up and know how, we remind you that our Technical/Commercial 24H/7 Customer Service is able to assess any request of an offer and technical detail within the following 4 hours.